Trusting Your Dentist

Trusting Your Dentist

by | Jun 5, 2019

There was a recent article by The Atlantic titled: “The Truth About Dentistry”. Is there some truth to the article- yes, is there some mis-statements, yes. The Atlantic left out alot, they based the story off of one dentist and his practice.

Are there unethical dentists? Yes, there are. Are the majority unethical, absolutely not! We are all supposed to follow the ethics code, most do, some don’t. If you visit 10 dentists, you will get 10 opinions on what needs to be done- some more conservative, some more aggressive, most will be within standards of care though.

Most important is to develop a relationship with your dentist. We always try to discuss and explain why we need to do whatever needs to be done. We want you included in the decision making process so you will feel comfortable moving forward with your treatment. Yes, we understand developing the trust takes time, but we feel by involving you in the process- using photos to show you what is happening, discussing the options, getting your opinion, will all help build that trust. As the trust builds, then you will have more confidence in the work suggested and needed.

We strive to make everyone feel part of the team in their healthcare decisions! We want you to have all the information you need, the options, the pros/cons of each as well as the time and costs involved. We want you to understand what we are doing, why we are doing it, and how long, it will take and how much it will cost. We also want you to know the benefits of doing the needed treatment as well as any consequences of not doing it- again, all to give you the information to make the correct decision for YOU!

We look forward to discussing your needs, wants and desires when it comes to your teeth. As always, feel free to contact Gabriella to schedule your consult at 978-343-4031. Explore our website- there is information on all of the procedures we perform here! We also have a Facebook page that contains more about our practice. You can check out our Facebook page at:

Hoping everyone has a wonderful start to the summer!

Brian C McDowell D.D.S. LVIF

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