Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) can have a profound impact on your daily life. From eating difficulties to sleep disturbances, TMJ can affect various aspects of your well-being. Understanding the impact of TMJ on daily life and how to cope with them is crucial...
Dental News
Dental News Blog
Why Treating Sleep Apnea is Important: Understanding the Dangers of Sleep Apnea
Why Treating Sleep Apnea is Important: Understanding the Dangers of Sleep Apnea Sleep apnea is a severe disorder where you experience shortness of breath during sleep. It is caused by the airway becoming blocked. At the same time, a person is asleep, resulting in...
Signs Of Sleep Apnea
Signs of Sleep Apnea Sleep apnea is a prevalent yet often undiagnosed sleep disorder affecting millions of individuals worldwide. It is a medical condition where breathing stops and starts during sleep at random times, adversely affecting your health and well-being....
Rick Factors & Causes Of Sleep Apnea
Rick Factors & Causes Of Sleep Apnea Are you struggling to get enough sleep? Do you wake up tossing and turning? Are you frequently tired during the day? Or are your loved ones complaining about snoring? If so, you may be suffering from sleep apnea. Working with a...
Should I Wear A Nightguard?
Should I Wear A Nightguard? A nightguard is an oral device worn while sleeping to protect your teeth and jaw from clenching and grinding. Over time clenching and grinding can cause unnecessary wear on the teeth, sometimes leading to chips, cracks, and even tooth loss....
Relation Between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Bruxism
If you have ever woken up with a sore jaw, sensitive teeth, or a headache, you might have experienced bruxism. Bruxism, teeth grinding, is a condition where an individual grinds, gnashes, or clenches their teeth, typically unconsciously. Understanding the relation...
Causes Of Bad Breath
Everybody gets bad breath at times. But for people with chronic bad breath, it can indicate something more serious, like gum disease or a tooth infection. Brian C. McDowell, DDS can help treat the underlying causes of bad breath so you can enjoy fresh breath and a...
How Sleep Apnea Affects Your Body
You or someone you know may snore while sleeping. You may find yourself wondering why your husband or wife snores so loud? While most people regard snoring as a natural bodily function, it could also indicate other health complications. Snoring is the first sleep...
Connection Between Dental Implants and TMJ
These two dentistry topics may seem to have little to do with each other, but the truth is that TMD and dental implants are closely interconnected. Our dentist, Brian C. McDowell, DDS is an advanced TMJ Specialist in Fitchburg, and he will explain the connection...
Tooth Pain Dental Emergency
Is Tooth Pain a Sign of a Dental Emergency? You’re relaxing at home when you suddenly feel significant pain or discomfort in one of your teeth. Do you need to call the dentist immediately? Or can you wait for the pain to subside? Sometimes it can be hard to tell...
Why Is My Jaw Popping & Clicking?
Why Is My Jaw Popping & Clicking? Suppose you’re experiencing a jaw-popping sensation whenever you chew, talk, or yawn. In that case, it may be from your temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Jaw popping pertains to a clicking sound every time you engage your jawbone,...
11 Things to Know About Sleep Apnea
#1: There are CPAP Alternatives For many years, the treatment of choice for sleep apnea was a CPAP—continuous positive airway pressure—machine. With CPAP therapy, patients strap a mask around their heads and over their mouths and nose, delivering constant mild air...
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