Celebrate National Toothbrush Day With Trivia!

Celebrate National Toothbrush Day With Trivia!

by | Jun 1, 2021

June 26 is a special day for Brian C. McDowell, DDS. That’s because we’re celebrating National Toothbrush Day!

It may not sound like a big deal to you, but we put it on our calendars because we know how important the right toothbrush and brushing techniques are for clean, healthy smiles.

We also know there are a lot of misconceptions and misinformation, or just lack of information, about brushing your teeth. So, we’ve created a toothbrush quiz for you to test your knowledge on such a routine but crucial part of your health.

See where you stand, then call us at 978-343-4031 if you have questions or if you’re due for your next dental checkup in Fitchburg, MA. You can also request an appointment online. We’re here to clean, repair, replace, and enhance your teeth and answer any questions about your oral health.

Happy National Toothbrush Day!

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