Why Is My Jaw Popping & Clicking?

Why Is My Jaw Popping & Clicking?

Suppose you’re experiencing a jaw-popping sensation whenever you chew, talk, or yawn. In that case, it may be from your temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Jaw popping pertains to a clicking sound every time you engage your jawbone, which can be followed by discomfort or pain sensations. If you experience jaw popping or jaw clicking, schedule a consult with our TMJ specialist in Fitchburg, Dr. Brian McDowell, to see if TMJ treatment is the course of the popping or clicking.

How TMJ Works

Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint typically causes jaw popping. This particular joint is one of the most complex joints in your body, connecting your lower jaw to the temporal bones, allowing it to move side to side and back to front.

The temporomandibular joint allows you the range of motion needed to chew food, speak, and yawn. Facial muscles attached to this joint control these movements, while a soft cartilage disc within the joint socket absorbs large amounts of pressure preventing damage.

Causes Jaw Popping

The jaw-popping sensation can result from trauma, dislocation, or a displaced disc. Clenching jaw, grinding teeth (bruxism), or chewing gum too often can also cause pain and tightness within the facial muscles, especially if missing or misaligned teeth exist. Jaw popping, in most cases, may not be a cause for concern; however, we recommend you schedule a TMJ evaluation with our advanced-trained TMJ doctor at our dental practice, Brian C. McDowell, DDS in Fitchburg.


Both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis may cause damage to the cartilage of the TMJ. Loss of cartilage means there is a law of absorption in the joint socket every time the jaw moves, causing a pain sensation to follow.

Other symptoms include:

  • Joint pain and stiffness
  • Inflammation or swelling
  • Reduced range of motion
  • Appetite loss
  • Fatigue

Injury or trauma to the jaw

Any injury sustained from a road traffic collision, sporting accident, trip or falls, or physical assault may result in a dislocated or broken jaw. This break or unhinging of the joint can result in jaw clicking or popping. We recommend seeking medical attention immediately if you’re experiencing pain, bruising, or swelling.

Myofascial pain syndrome

Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic pain disorder that causes pain in the trigger points of some muscles. It occurs when the muscle is contracted repetitively, or pressure is applied. It is prevalent in those who have jobs or engage in sporting activities that require repetitive movements.

TMJ symptoms for someone who has MPS include:

  • Jaw pain doesn’t get better after a week
  • Jaw pain that gets worse with straining or stretching
  • Painful knots in muscles
  • Reduced range of motion in the affected area

Sleep apnea

Jaw popping can result from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea (CSA). Studies have shown that when the throat begins to relax before an episode of OSA, the jaw will clamp down to prevent the airway from being blocked. However, this clamping of the jaw applies excessive stress on the jaw, mouth, neck, and shoulders, which may cause TMJ issues.


Infection of the salivary gland can cause TMJ issues, jaw popping, and other symptoms, including dry mouth, face pain, pus in the mouth, foul taste, and swelling of the face and neck. If you suspect you may have an infection, you should consider medical treatment immediately.

Schedule A Consultation At Brian McDowell, DDS

Call our TMJ specialist today at (978) 252-2049 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Brian McDowell. With our over 30 years of advanced-training, experience, and leading-edge technology, we help patients with jaw clicking and jaw popping issues from Fitchburg, Leominster, Westminster, Gardner, Lunenburg and many surrounding areas.

11 Things to Know About Sleep Apnea

#1: There are CPAP Alternatives

For many years, the treatment of choice for sleep apnea was a CPAP—continuous positive airway pressure—machine. With CPAP therapy, patients strap a mask around their heads and over their mouths and nose, delivering constant mild air pressure while sleeping. However, many patients fail to use the CPAP machine nightly because it is bulky, uncomfortable, and noisy. Fortunately, there are CPAP alternatives for patients in Fitchburg to depend on to help them get a whole night’s sleep.

#2 Dental Sleep Appliances Do Work

Dr. McDowell can prescribe a custom oral sleep appliance. A comfortable oral appliance slightly shifts your lower jaw forward and helps to maintain an open airway that does not become blocked. Another solution for sleep apnea is a tongue-stabilizing sleep device. This device is a simple splint worn while you sleep to prevent your tongue from blocking the airway. Furthermore, this type of treatment has been proven effective in snoring cessation.

#3: Sleep Apnea & Acid Reflux could be Related

Eighty percent of people diagnosed with acid reflux report heartburn occurring primarily at night. What happens when patients lie down to sleep at night? You guessed it – the stomach acids flow backward.

#4 There are Links between Snoring & Sleep Apnea

Do you know someone who snores? Snoring may disturb the sleep of the snorer and the people closest to them. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) only affects about half of all snorers, while the other half are considered primary snorers. Therefore, frequent, and loud snoring is not always an indication of Obstructive Sleep Apnea; however, many patients with OSA have a chronic snoring problem.

Snoring Disorder Causes

Snoring occurs when the soft tissue in the back of the throat relaxes and partially blocks your airway—resulting in the soft tissues vibrating as you sleep. Some causes of snoring include a patient’s genetic predisposition, anatomy, and behavioral factors such as weight gain, alcohol consumption, and sleep position.

#5 A Consultation Could Save Your Life

One of the first indicators of OSA is loud, frequent snoring. People with OSA could stop breathing for a few seconds to a minute or more. You should seek OSA treatment if you experience habitual loud snoring, gasp, or choke during sleep, or stop breathing. Additionally, seek treatment if you experience excessive restlessness at night or feel fatigued during the day.

#6 The Health Risks of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea that is left untreated may affect everyday activities. You may experience chronic headaches, depression, acid reflux, adult-onset asthma, weight gain, and other severe medical conditions. These include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Heart Problems (heart failure, irregular heartbeats, heart attacks)
  • Type 2 Diabetes

#7 Sleep Apnea Symptoms

It is often difficult to determine if you are suffering from a sleep disorder because most symptoms occur at nighttime while you are asleep. However, if you notice any of the following, it is crucial to see a sleep apnea specialist like Dr. Brian McDowell in Fitchburg, MA.

  • Loud, frequent snoring
  • Gasping for breath
  • Excessive daytime fatigue
  • Depression and irritability
  • Frequent waking at night

#8 Obesity and Sleep Apnea

Excessive weight gain can cause or worsen Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), especially if the weight is on or around the face. If fact, sleep apnea might be a predictor of obesity. If your BMI places you in the “obese” range, or if you have any sleep apnea symptoms, schedule a consultation with Dr. Brian McDowell, a sleep apnea specialist.

#9 Sleep Apnea Can Have Many Complications

A few sleep apnea complications include:

  • Hypertension and heart disease
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Surgery complications
  • Liver consequences
  • Unhappy sleep partners
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Memory issues
  • Impotence

#10: Sleep Apnea and High Blood Pressure

Sleep apnea studies have shown that patients with sleep apnea have a higher likelihood of developing high blood pressure in the future.

There are two types of sleep apnea; obstructed sleep apnea and central sleep apnea. The most common being obstructive sleep apnea. Both types of sleep apnea cause sleep disruption throughout the night.

Frequent awakenings during the night can cause changes in the hormonal systems, which sometimes result in high blood pressure levels. Another contributing factor to hypertension is the frequent cutoff of oxygen, resulting in low blood-oxygen levels.

#11: Schedule A Sleep Apnea Consultation

Contact our team at (978) 343-4031 to schedule a personalized consultation to be evaluated for Sleep Apnea, Snoring, and TMJ/ TMD. With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Brian McDowell continues to care for sleep apnea patients from Fitchburg, Leominster, Gardner, Lunenburg, and many surrounding areas.

Tips for Avoiding Dry Mouth in the Winter

Tips for Avoiding Dry Mouth in the Winter | Brian McDowell DDS Fitchburg MAAs the temperatures start to drop, you might see an increase in dry mouth in the winter. It’s not only frustrating, but it can also increase your risk for infection, gum disease, and other oral health issues. The reason is your saliva washes away bacteria and food particles that cause this problem.

We’re sharing an easy-to-follow video by Colgate that shares ways you can help your dry mouth this season. However, if the problem persists, make sure you schedule a visit with us. We’ll be happy to recommend products you can use. We can also examine you for signs of sleep apnea if you are experiencing other symptoms, like daytime fatigue or snoring.

Call Brian C. McDowell, DDS today at 978-343-4031 to schedule your next dental appointment in Fitchburg, MA, or  request an appointment online.

How to Maintain Healthy Teeth on Thanksgiving

It’s hard to believe Thanksgiving is almost upon us! As you make preparations, it’s easy to ignore oral health. We’re sharing a few simple tips to follow to make sure your teeth stay healthy during the day. Remember, your smile is one of your best features, so you want to protect it! Call Brian C. McDowell, DDS today at 978-343-4031 to schedule your next dental appointment in Fitchburg, MA, or request an appointment online. How to Maintain Healthy Teeth on Thanksgiving _ Brian McDowell, DDS

Find a Solution to Your Bad Breath Problems

Having bad breath can be embarrassing! We’re sharing a video by the American Dental Association (ADA) that talks about what causes bad breath. While you may just need to brush up on your oral hygiene routine, it’s also important to see us for a visit too. Bad breath can often disguise underlying oral health concerns like gum disease or tooth decay. If you are also experiencing dry mouth, you may be struggling with sleep apnea. Luckily, when you come in for an appointment, we’ll help you get to the root of this problem, so you’ll enjoy fresh breath again. Call Brian C. McDowell, DDS today at 978-343-4031 to schedule your next dental appointment in Fitchburg, MA, or request an appointment online.

Eat What You Want With Dental Implants

Are you tired of picking and choosing what you can eat due to missing teeth? If so, we have good news for you! Dental implants from Dr. Brian McDowell will let you eat what you want again. These replacement teeth roots will also help you:
  • Smile with more confidence everywhere you go
  • Make better first impressions when socializing
  • Look younger, more attractive, and more robust
It’s time you got your bite and your smile back. Call Brian C. McDowell, DDS today at 978-343-4031 to schedule an implants consultation. You can also request an appointment online.